Friday, March 11, 2011

The Absurdity of Insults

Insults, slights, petty looks and disrespect; we have all seen (and likely participated in) actions that were intended to hurt the feelings of others. We have also seen how these actions have harmed relationships, precipitated anger, and even led to violence. However, have you ever taken the time to really look at what an insult is?

An insult is an idea mistaken for a thing (Ch. 2). That is, because a thing is said to be so, it doesn't make it so. If I called you a fool, it would not make you any more or less a fool than if I had said nothing at all. If I called you the smartest person on the planet, the same would be true. However, we all would feel at least a little offended by the first statement, and a little flattered by the second, as if these statements had some meaningful influence on reality.

However, to react at all to another person's statements about you (remember that self is just an idea mistaken for a thing as well (ch.3)) is irrational. In fact, the only credence you can give to someone telling you you're a fool is to accept that your self, as it exists in their mind, is perhaps described as foolish, in spite of the fact that it is only an idea. They might have a picture of your self in their mind that looks like a fool to them.

The thing is, though, in most cases, the person flinging the insult doesn't even believe their own words. They are just saying them because they are angry, and want to hurt you in some way. And since this is the case, reacting to insults becomes doubly irrational, because they don't even apply to the image the other person has of you.

So, why does it hurt to be insulted, teased, or ridiculed?

We all suffer from self doubt because of self's inherent instability. An idea can never be a real thing. However, as long as we are dependent on the integrity of the idea of self (because we believe it is real and we believe it is truly who we are), we are always at the mercy of those who would use words and other gestures to harm us.

Take some time to consider this fully. You will still react to hurtful words, because that is the nature of karma. It's what you have been conditioned to believe your whole life about insults, and the self. However, it WILL take the sting out of those pointed words to know that it's all just a game of shadows, even if the players don't know it.


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